Pet of the Month.

moka l. December 2009

Moka L

How did you come to live with your current family?

My human sis, Kaitlin, had been begging for a puppy for months! Finally her parents (my new parents) finally gave in and took her to see me and my littermates. I was the biggest, strongest, and the first-born puppy in a litter of about 7 or 8 (Do you expect me to remember exactly how many brothers and sisters I had?) I was probably the goofiest of the litter too. AND I was the last one to be adopted! Don’t ask me why, I couldn’t tell you. When my family came to see me, me and my bro Whitey were the only puppies left. But then Whitey got adopted before me! It was pretty lonely with just my doggy parents. But I was lucky, ‘cause my new parents came back and adopted me that night. (I secretly knew they would!)

What Silly or Little known facts should we know about you?

I told you I was the biggest of my litter right? Well, I’m also huge for my breed, and you probably won’t see many other Springer Spaniels as big as me! It’s my long legs but, hey, how am I supposed to jump around with short stubby legs?? My best friend is a cat, named Fletcher. I’m not afraid to admit it either (sorry, Mac, you’re a cool cat but not as playful as me and Fletch). My name, before my new family changed it, was Gordo! I like Moka a lot better – and now my nickname is Mokie; even the folks at Tails-a-Wagging call me that! Also, on the very top of my head, my hair is kind of orange instead of brown ‘cause it gets sun-bleached. Everyone thinks I am wearing an awesome toupee, but no way – au natural, ladies. It is also easy to style. J

Besides Day Care… what do you love?

I love just about everything except, being alone, visits to the vet, and getting my ears cleaned. Things I REALLY love though are: My family, SUPPER, playing (especially if it includes running or swimming), SUPPER, chasing birds and squirrels, wrestling with my buddy Dewey and did I mention SUPPER!. I could go all day and still have energy for more. However, I also love bedtime because I get to cuddle with Mom and Dad for a few minutes on the bed. Then I have to get off but that’s OK because I get to protect them while they sleep. See, I have a good guard dog bark but it is all just for show. I like everyone and everything too much to even consider doing something crazy like biting. Don’t tell my family this but when they are asleep I sneak up on the bed sometimes and fall asleep too. I’m only human, right?

What are your favorite toys or games?

I’ll play with any toy I can pick up in my mouth. My current favorite is a stuffed bunny-rabbit that I stole from Fletcher. I like playing chasing games with my family. I don’t really understand the rules of “fetch.” I’ll chase after anything you throw, but I won’t bring it back (I get distracted by all the awesome smells I just can’t resist) . I also like playing with my cat buddy Fletcher but I have to be careful I don’t squish him…if I did he’d probably claw my nose off. For some reason my Daddy likes to play tug-o-war with me when I am down on my front paws and my butt is in the air. He gets a kick out of it when he pulls me along like this – he says something about looking like a baby seal? I don’t get it but it makes everyone laugh so I just go along with it. “REALLY?? I’m Pet of the Month??” Happy Holidays Everyone.

If you had a major in college…what would it be?

That’s easy…I would have a degree in AGILITY. That is my middle name after all. I can out run, out jump, out smart any ol’ animal you want to go up against me. Gazelles? No fleas on me (no pun intended). Cheetahs? I would leave them in the dust. They may be faster out in the open, but nothing can touch me running through the forest at Lake Padden. My family wonders how I can go full speed and not hurt myself. I can’t help it, because it is soooo much fun!!! My family calls it the “Zoomies” especially when I am in the back yard. What do they expect? I don’t have a lot of room back there so I have to go back and forth. Duh!!!

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Hhmmm. That’s a tough one because what more do I want or need? I love my life, my family, my friends…its all good. Did I tell you I like to sniff things? Not people so much but anything on the ground, so my personal ad would probably say: I like to take long runs in the forest or open fields and sniff out stuff. If you think you could keep up with me and enjoy the sound of my sniffer (I can get kinda loud) then you are the mate for me. Call me at 1-800-NRG-MOKA.

Other information we should know about you?

I would never hurt a fly…on purpose. Not even a bird, even though I was bred to flush and chase birds. I’ve come so close to catching birds that I probably could have brought them back to my Dad…but just to make him proud (that’s what I live for after all) but then I would let it go. Why shouldn’t it get to fly around free just like me?
