Pet of the Month.

Dakota B. March 2008


Hi everyone, I’m Dakota. North Dakota that is. You see that’s were I was picked up by a very nice truck driver on the side of the interstate highway. He drove to Washington and dropped me off at the Whatcom Humane Society. That’s were my mom and dad found me. I can’t tell you anything from my life before but I can tell you I sure am happy with my life now. I get to play lots of tug O war with my favorite tug rope. I play chase all the time, it’s best when I’m “it”. Long jogs in the rain are the best. The wetter the better. There’s also a area rug I like to chew on whenever I think I can get away with it. And at the end of the day whenever I feel like it, I go to bed. The big bed. Head first under the covers, turn around and pop my head out and go to sleep. Ya… I got it good.

If you had a major in college… what would it be?

Physical Education: He LOVES to run and has a drive for jumping.

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Hi my name is Dakota! I am soooooooooooooo cute and I LOVE to take LONG walks on the beach. I am that kind of guy that can be energetic and spunky or calm and relaxed.
