Pet of the Month.

The Hilton Quartet July 2007

The Hilton Quartet

All four of these sisters are from various rescue organizations.

Prudence: She was rescues by the Bluegrass Basset Rescue from a puppy mill in Kentucky. The owner of the mill had been charged with over 120 counts of cruelty and neglect. I flew to Kentucky to get her and we drove cross country back together. We really learned a lot about each other on that trip. She had mange and because of the lack of care, Pru’s ears have had a slew of infections that have been relentless. Recently, she had ear ablation surgery in both ears, as a result she is totally deaf but no longer in pain. She is a bossy girl who loves snuggling, marking her territory, woo-wooing, and keeping everybody in line. She likes to collect and chew on odd items–plates, binder clips, pencils, pens, etc. And being a Bassett she loves playing INSPECTOR SNIFFER

Lola: She was a stray that I adopted. I like to say she came out of a space ship. Her tongue is rarely NOT hanging out. She is a power napper. She is not the brightest bulb in the box, but she is very intuitive. Lola loves to snuggle, groom the kittens, and eat. She is the ultimate couch potato. She likes to hide under blankets some times.

Violet: Was found as a stray with no hair, clipper burn, and four rotten teeth hanging in her little head. I found her wandering the streets and turned her in to WHS. After Angie & Jason fostered her a while, I decided I wanted to adopt her. That was two years ago. In spite of being 20+ years old, with a fused spine, failing vision, no teeth and spotty hearing, she is a pistol. She has been known to growl at 100 pound dogs that get too close to her food when she is eating. Violet loves to do her happy dance when I come home or she is excited. She also loves peanut butter and, in spite of her lack of teeth, dry food.

Wilma: I was looking on-line for a friend at the old dog haven site–there was Wilma (then known as Lola)–old and one-eyed. She was scheduled to head south to Cascadia Basset Rescue over the next few days. She had ended up in rescue because the owner who, after owning Wilma for ten years, didn’t “have room in their new house” for her. I adopted her just a few months ago, but it’s hard to imagine not having her. She is a puppy at heart, loves to chase, and is superlative at pinning down the cat (playfully) if she gets outside when she’s not supposed to. When she doesn’t want to be disturbed she sleeps with her good eye down. She weighs 80 pounds she loves to play chase and run in circles. Like most bassets, she is an “inspector.” She can ferret out food anywhere and can be a “counter cruiser.”

If you had a major in college…what would it be?

Prudence: Major: Pediatric nursing, she loves puppies.

Lola: Lola would not be college material; however, she would excel in beauty school. Maybe night manger at the local Dairy Queen.

Violet: Major: science… no really.

Wilma: Major: Criminal science, that or sociology.

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Prudence: Deaf, but charming, aging gal who is a bit bossy and possessive seeks companion who only has eyes for her and enjoys being bossed around.

Lola: Middle aged gal seeks companion to keep me in pretty collars, pretty haircuts, fancy clothes, and high quality food. In return, I will follow you anywhere.

Violet: Old lady seeks fellow napper for short walks down the handicap ramp. Must have good sense of personal space when it comes to meal time.

Wilma: Really big boned gal seeks fun loving companion who will love me for who I am. My one eye will keep watch on you!
