Pet of the Month.

Bubba October 2003


Yes…I may be one of those “Littles” but I am quite the “power house” You see I am a Cairn Terrier. So cute, insanely smart and full of fire. I live with my papa and have been in his family for about 10 months now. Originally I was a present for my papa’s grandson…but no matter what he says, he just fell in love with me and could never part with my wild ways. I’m GREAT at fetch and love to chase everyone. I usually have a ball in my mouth… and will fetch from the water pool too. My other favorite games are keep away, training time and snuggles! My papa says I like to sneak into the back seat of the car and use the power windows to stick my head out…( I said I was super smart) After trying to get me to stop I finally convinced him it was ok. My papa works over at Hardware Sales so I get to come to day care every day where I get to see all my best friends. I love Percy, Rocky, Tuck, Bunny, Moxie, Barney, Geordy, Willie and Mocha.
