Pet of the Month.

Jack September 2005


Hey everyone my name is Jack… sometime they call me Jack Attack ( that’s my favorite nick name at day care.. ) or Poodini, Jack Sprat, Stinker Poo and PooBear. So many names but you know they are all about the love! My mom and dad adopted me from the Alternative Humane Society and they first got to see my playing at the dog park. But I was having SO much fun they really did not get a chance to get to even pet me. I was playing way too much.

At day care I play with everyone and I am very well mannered- I’m not just saying that either… I love games like chase, tag, keep away and the swimming pool the best and my favorite friends are Leon, Kali, Pounder, Gus G, Lucas, Lucy B. and Juna.

At home I am very skilled at killing spiders. Since my mom is afraid of them I have learned the command “smush it with your paw” Talk about being helpful…! I am also a dead give away when I do something wrong… they can ALWAYS tell.

Other things I love are swimming, mud baths, backpacking ( I have my OWN pack too ) playing ball and counter surfing.

My favorite treats are KONG’S filled with peanut butter, Pig Ears, Plushy Toys and Hide and Seek.

If you had a major in college…what would it be?

Forensics. Jack always has to know who is a the door, what’s on the counter and where have we been when we get home. He requires a full report.

If you had a major in college…what would it be?

SBLP ( single, black ,lab, pointer )sees SF for long hikes, games of chase and sharing of chew toys. Must love car rides, long naps, affection and not mind the occasional toot. Spunky personality a plus.
