Pet of the Month.

Oscar July 2004


Hi, I’m Oscar. I am one of the senior citizen at Tails, you see, my new guardians adopted me not too long ago and I don’t think I have ever been happier.

Just because I am getting on in years ( no one quite knows, as I was picked up as a stray ) does not mean I don’t know how to have good fun. At day care, although I can be a bit of a lump at times, I like to play sniff and follow games and enjoy a good ear wrestle with Rocky. I can usually be found on camera napping or sun bathing- but at my age… I deserve anything I want. At home my favorite things are napping, snacking, getting massages or hanging out with my cat buddies. I have been known for getting into stuff at home … just ask Jason about the remnant peanut shells or the chocolate coin wrappers he “FOUND” one morning….can’t forget to tell you I also like to take naps with Lucy H at Day Care…. just look at those ears!

If you had a major in college…what would it be?

Observation and Contemplation

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Retired, studly, senior spaniel, seeks mature canine lady for snuggling, snacking and naptime. Long ears a plus.
