Pet of the Month.

Kali August 2006


Hi everybody…it’s me Kali, THE BEST DOG IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I am a GORGEOUS German Shepherd who might possibly be the smartest dog in all the land. I can hold 42 toys in my mouth at the same time (ok maybe I’m exaggerating a tad…)it is documented that I have held 5 so that’s close to 42 right? At day care I love to wrestle and chase everyone, we play cops and robbers (I’m ALWAYS the cop- although I will steal a toy when ever I can) When my people come to pick me up I have this unique quality that I must ANNOUNCE their arrival to all who will listen. I am still working on teaching my people that jumping up is a completely acceptable way to greet them…give me time, they’ll get it.

Love, Kali

If you had a major in college… what would it be?

Law Enforcement: What do you expect…it runs in my family!

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Single, dark, female looking for a ruff and tumble friend who can keep up with my fast pace. Must be strong and assertive but not aggressive. Wimps need not apply. Please bring your own toys, but I will steal them anyway.
