Pet of the Month.

Trudy & Otis R. April 2008

Trudy & Otis R

Hi, I’m Trudy and this is my little brother Otis. My Mom and Dad got me when I was very young and I was an only dog for awhile. We then found Otis at an adopt-a-thon put on by the Alternative Humane Society. He’s a good brother and I love him but I’ll be doing the speaking for us, he’s… kind of unfocused, if you know what I mean.
I am not! I’m just as smart as you! Just because I like to investiga… Oooh, what was that?

You see what I mean? Anyway, about us: I love to fetch. I’ll play fetch all day long. It’s my favorite game by far. Otis likes to

I can speak for myself, thank you. I love to chase things: Trudy, birds, leaves, anything that moves!

You change your “prey” so often that it looks like you’re just running randomly. LOOK something shinny!


That will keep him quite for a little while. We have a good life. We get our quiet time, I get a peanut butter stuffed Kong. Otis gets a chew bone. We, O.K., I have trained our parents well. All I need to do is lick the shower pull in the tub to let them know I want water. Otis is still having trouble grasping this, he licks pants.

I like pants. Jeans are my favorite. It’s not like you don’t have your own oddities.

What are you talking about?

What about your alter ego Trudella? What’s what Mom & Dad call you when we go off leash in the forest. You go bezerk and push me into streams, pummel me into trees and terrorize me to no end.

Well, that’s true. I have to give you props though. You are surprisingly agile. You do make me work for it, but ultimately, you don’t stand a chance. There’s nothing better than cuddling up with you after a good afternoon of knocking you around.

I know what you mean. Don’t tell Mom and Dad, but I love it too.

If you had a major in college… what would it be?

Trudy: Majoring in business and minoring in foreign language she would attend college on a track and field scholarship. She is a quick learner and knows many English words. She is the fastest at the dog park and is serious even in her recreation. Trudy’s favorite trick is “Take (object) to (person).” She gets very proud whenever she is asked to deliver something. She has successfully delivered notes, keys, shoes, leashes, towels, gift bags, and dog treats.

Otis: A General Studies major that only went to college because his friends went. He would spend the majority of his time meeting new people, attending parties, sleeping and playing video games. Everyone would know and love Otis!

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Trudy: Single Black Female seeks proficient Chuck-it operator. Must have tireless arm and lots of free time. Any species or gender will do.
Otis: Fluffy brown ball of jiggles seeks licking partner. Must love cuddling, licking denim, chasing leaves. No clingy neurotics allowed; I need time to eat paper alone and chase my own tail.
