Pet of the Month.

Ponchik January 2023

Hello!  I’m Ponchik

How did you come to live with your current family?

My parents were looking for a dog, but since they live in an apartment, finding the right-sized dog was hard to do. Someone that they knew suggested they look at getting a mini husky from a person that they knew in Oregon!

My parents picked me up in the hottest day of the year in 2021, and the long drive back was filled with lots of potty and water breaks.

After being with my parents for a while, they found out I had an ectopic ureter which is a really rare congenital issue, but they were able to get me surgery that helped fix it!

What Silly or Little known facts should we know about you?

I have a love/fear relationship with cats! If they like me I’ll play with them all day, but as soon as they hiss or scare me I’ll stay away from them!

Besides Day Care… what do you love?

I love love love bones! Anything that’s hard to chew, stinky, or smelly, I want to have it, bury it, and pick it up again. Also, anything my parents are eating!

What are your favorite toys or games?

One of my favorite toys is my Kong fox. I’ve had the same one since a puppy and love to keep it in my mouth when I sleep. I also like to play hide and seek with my mom and dad!

For enrichment, what do you prefer? food, scent, movement? something else?

I definitely like movement! One time I just sat my butt down and watched a plane fly overhead until I couldn’t see it anymore. I always see squirrels in the trees when I’m out on a walk, and I believe I could catch them if SOMEBODY let me off a leash every once in a while.

If you had a major in college…what would it be?

Culinary arts so I can finally eat some human food for once!

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

A petite husky looking for a big dog who loves donuts as much as me.

Describe your perfect day.

Jumping on my mom to wake her up, going out for a walk, getting my breakfast and turning my nose up at it (I’m very picky and don’t like having the same meal multiple days in a row). Then I’ll go to Tails where I get to see all my best dog friends, come home and sleep the rest of the night!

We know what your real name is, but what are some of your nicknames?

I have so many nicknames! PonPon, Floofy Butt, Turkey (when I’m cute and goofy), Toad (when I’m naughty and goofy), Stink Dog, Frito Feet.

What was your favorite trip you’ve taken?

This summer my parents took my to house sit in Port Orchard for 3 weeks! I got to go on lots of walks in a new area (I even caught a mouse). I got to spend lots of time with my friends Dallas and Zoey

Do you have a best dog friend? At Tails or outside of Tails

I have so many friends I couldn’t pick one! I love Happy and Maya at Tails, and my friends Nell, Penny, Lola, and Greta who live in town! Also my grandparent’s dogs Dallas and Zoey!

Are you a morning dog or a night owl?

Morning dog all the way!

Peanut butter or whipped cream?
I looooove peanut butter

Ball or stick? STICKS! I love trying to pick up sticks when my parents take me on walks

What’s the stinkiest thing you have ever rolled in?

A couple of weeks ago I smelled something really good underground and dug a 2 foot deep hole in about 20 minutes! My parents were not very happy with me, my white front legs were completely covered in mud!

Where is your favorite place to sleep? (and no, you won’t get in trouble if you say your Hoomon’s Bed)

My parents have tried to get me so many beds but I just love theirs so much. I love to curl up against their pillows.

Other information we should know about you?

My name comes from an Eastern European donut-type dessert, so that’s why I like donuts so much! Also, I might seem shy at first, but once you get to me, I’m friendly and affectionate. You might want to watch out – if I’m too excited I might pee a little!
