Pet of the Month.

Buk M. July 2008


Hi everybody, I’m Buk. I’ve been reading over some of the past “Pet of the Month” bios and I’m impressed as to how many have won over or smoosed their way into the hearts of their people. I can’t honestly say I did that. Oh sure, I was a super cute puppy. I was, and am, a friendly and happy boy. It’s just that my dad always wanted a dog and had wanted a pointer ever since he saw one being shown at the Puyallup Fair. So he graduated from college and wanted a puppy as a present and there I was being myself and available for adoption. You see I didn’t have to do much of anything. I may act like a self confident and brave boy, but really I am a big baby. I don’t like brooms, I cry whenever my nails are touched, and I freak out when a fly or mosquito is around. Any bee is my nemesis and I love to battle with them in the backyard at my house. I have never been stung but I am sure they are out to get me! My to ten favorite thins are: 1) Kongs filled with hotdogs and peanut butter 2) sitting on laps 3) being allowed up on the bed 4) running 5) birds 6) exploring 7) lying in the sun 8) dogs 9) my squeaker toy 10) my mommy and daddy. I like keep-away more than any other game! I like to play catch or fetch but sometimes prefer to not to bring the ball back. In the morning, I usually get to play hide and seek with my toys, that’s always fun. I also love my “lego” chew toy from Grocery Outlet. You wouldn’t think it would hold up to my constant chewing and tugging but it is the only toy that has survived for 2 years. My best trick is peeing on command, always a crowd pleaser.

If you had a major in college… what would it be?

Psychology with a master’s in Social Work: (concentration: Behavior Intervention) Buk can get any angry, sad, depressed, or old dog to play and be happy. He knows how a dog’s thought process works and how to turn a bad attitude into a bouncy playful situation. He’s great at expressing his feelings and encourage others to do the same.

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Do you love to sit with your feet up and read a good book? Do you love to be alone sometimes and quietly reflect upon your secret dreams and desires? Do you wish you could spend an afternoon in the butterfly exhibit at the zoo letting the delicate butterfly wings tickle our skin? ME NEITHER!! I am an outdoorsy (but no bugs please), bouncy, active, and smart cuddle bug. If you love hiking, running, muddy feet and drinking dirty water, I HAVE HOTDOGS and would love to share mine with you if you feel you can handle the love. I’m also up to date on all my shots! Call me (or whistle)!
