Pet of the Month.

Nico January 2009


Hi Everyone… I’m Nico. This is kinda hard for me, I’m not that comfortable with public speaking or meeting new people. I’m working hard at improving and my Mom & Dad have helped a lot. My Dad first saw me on the Whatcom Humane Society’s website and they came out to meet me. We went on some walks and they saw how I relaxed a bit when I was away from the shelter. Like I said everyone at Tails-A-Wagging has been working hard with me with my confidence at home and at “school” . I’m very happy with the way things have worked out for me. I have great parents who love me (and have clothes I love to sniff and root in, especially my Dad’s stinky hockey gear). I have my favorite toy “Bunny”. We play fetch with him, he’s stuffed and fuzzy and I love to rip off his ears and eyes. This probably wont shock you but I love food. I’m a Labrador, food, running, food, Cats, Cat food, other dogs, other dogs food. So that’s always an icebreaker with me. Give me a cookie and we are well on the way to being friends.

Oh, ya… My Mom & Dad wanted me to say “My Mom, Dad and I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has and is helping me to become the dog I’ve always dreamt of being! From the Whatcom Humane Society and Tails-A-Wagging to Fountain Vet and lots of encouraging friends…thank you!” Do I get a cookie now?

If your dog had a major in college what would it be?

Culinary Arts, track and Forestry…you know, dogs, trees, etc…

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?

Tall, dark and handsome one and a half year old, (I’m a little nervous at first meetings, but, um, mature for my age), male Lab, would like to make friends and influence those w/treats to go and rescue other dogs and, uh, even cats because life really is good! Will also work for food!
