Playrooms on camera!

We use Online Doggie For our webcams, they are designed to work on computers and laptops with all browsers (except Internet Explorer) for FREE. For mobile devices, please refer to the mobile app to view the cameras on Apple or Google play, search Online Doggy  (for a nominal fee of 4.99/year).


Is the room dark?
As part of the PSE community energy challenge we turn off the lights when we take the dogs to the potty yard. Check out one of the other rooms, we'll be right back.

Interested to know who’s on camera, check out the who’s who section.

Need Assistance? For technical support please contact Online Doggy via email,
by phone at 303-805-4034, or visit OnlineDoggy

Viewing with Android and Apple mobile devices and tablets you will need to use the Odoggy app.

The app proceeds go to support Victory Service Dogs.