Penny W

How did you come to live with your current family?
My mom started working from home during March of 2020. She had wanted a pug for over 20 years and thought it would be a good time to start looking! She also had this CRAZY IDEA that maybe I could one day go to work with her and be a speech therapy dog!

What Silly or Little known facts should we know about you?
I love everybody! And every dog! I am so happy to be alive! Every day is the very best day of my life and I’m always smiling, sneezing, or snoring!

Besides Day Care… what do you love?
I mean, I’m a pug so…all food is my FAVORITE food. I love chasing toes, going on walks, going to the vet, playing with kids and other dogs, being chased, and curling up and cuddling after 5-10 minutes of some zoomies.

What are your favorite toys or games?
I love dog puzzles because of their hidden treats! But I also love my stuffies that I can shake and chase. And then there is my lifelong love: Buff Monkey. He comes to daycare with me everyday.

For enrichment, what do you prefer? food, scent, movement? something else?
Food is great, but I love activity and scratches and praise too. I’ve been doing some agility training at school too!

If you had a major in college…what would it be?
Napping 101. With a minor in Advanced Snacking.

If you wrote a personal ad… what would it say?
Younger lady seeks any person or fellow animal with a pulse for best friendship. Will be 100% devoted until my next nap. Or a better snack comes along.

Describe your perfect day:
I wake my mom up by sitting on her chest. Then we go on my morning walk. I check in with my neighborhood dog pound, then have a light breakfast. My afternoon would be spent hanging with my best friends at Tails. Then in the evening my mom would pick me up for a relaxing evening at home! Ideally I like to be snoring by 9:00 so I can get my full 10 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep.

We know your real name is, but what are some of your nicknames?
How long do you have? Penny Lou, Penny Sue, Penelope Jane, Pudge, Pennifred, Boogs, Tiddlywinks.

What was your favorite trip you’ve taken?
I’m not a great traveler-but I love going to dog parks and visiting my friends’ houses. Especially when they have big yards or swimming pools or lots of good places to sniff!

Do you have a best dog friend? At Tails or outside of Tails
I love all my peeps at Tails, big and small. Nora, Jelly Bean, Teddy, Cricket, and Ezra. At home my BFFs are my neighbors Clover, Ellie, and Ash. Ash is actually a puggle and my frenemy. I think I annoy her.

Are you a morning dog or a night owl?
Probably more of a morning dog. But sometimes my mom still has to wake me up when I sleep in!

Peanut butter or whipped cream?
Ball or stick?
Peanut butter! And stuffies!

What’s the stinkiest thing you have ever rolled in?
I don’t always roll in stinky things, but I’m currently on a decomposed leaves streak right now. I also love a little muddy puddle water to wash things down. But my mom doesn’t allow that and has to remind me that’s how I got Giardia when I was a baby. ????

Where is your favorite place to sleep? (and no, you won’t get in trouble if you say your Hoomon’s Bed)
My mom’s head! Or curled up next to her!